The Department of Economics provides students with the necessary theoretical background of economic knowledge. In the teaching area, the Department focuses on, on one side, the theoretical basics for applied economic disciplines, and on the other side, the teaching of applied economic courses. The main theoretical courses administrated at the Department are Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Economic Policy. The main applied economic courses are Business Economics, Managerial Economics, Investment Project Planning, Systems of Wages, Economic and Social Statistics, Company and Property Valuation, and others.
Regarding scientific interest, the Department conducts research in the following areas:
- Measurement of productivity (microeconomic and macroeconomic),
- Economic and production analysis of regions or enterprises,
- Regional disparities with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises,
- Financial management,
- The labor market in the cross-sectional and regional context,
- Economics of transport and transport services, traffic congestion,
- Economics of state security,
- Municipal enterprises.
The results of the scientific activities are published in monographs, scientific journals, and proceedings and presented at domestic and international conferences. The Department of Economics cooperates in pedagogical and research activities with many universities from the Czech Republic as well as from abroad (The University of Economics, Prague; VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, EF; Czech Technical University in Prague; Mendel University in Brno; the University of Economics in Bratislava; the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra; BOKU Vienna; Universität Passau; Universität J.Kepller Linz; Armstrong State University Georgia).